Saturday Morning Salmon Patty Pancakes (GFCF)

Jackson pulled me out of bed at 6:15 this morning, no Saturday morning snoozing for me! He was hungry and asking for the yummy GFCF oatmeal bars sitting on top of the fridge, “Bar? Bar?” In the early morning haze, I was tempted to just plop one on his plate and head back to bed, but knowing the bar would only buy me another 30 seconds in bed and it was coated in chocolate, I decided to actually make the little man a proper breakfast. Not cognizant enough yet to trust myself to leave a waffle on the iron, I open the cupboard searching for “Jackson approved” GFCF cereal. None to be had.

Hmmm…I vaguely peruse the fridge for something he’ll eat. Ah-ha! Left over salmon! For breakfast? When he’s hungry, Jackson will eat anything, especially if it looks like bread. Add an egg and a little potato starch, kosher salt, and a dash of garlic powder. Smash it all down in little circles on a sizzling skillet, and voila! Salmon Patty Pancakes. Breakfast is done. Now Jackson will get to practice using his fork, and I’ll have a few minutes to write about it. Second breakfast (our traditional Saturday morning fare of waffles) starts in half and hour.

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